Study at a UK University
For students wishing to study in the UK, our experienced team offers its commitment to providing a comprehensive and personalized service focused on helping the student find the right course at the right university in the right city of them.
Help and assistance are provided at every step of the way ensuring a smooth and hassle-free application process for the student.

Private/boarding School option
私立/寄宿 学校申请
Spending ones formative years living and studying in a foreign country is the perfect way to foster the feeling and skills of global citizenry we at Burton are passionate about promoting. With this in mind , we are proud to offer Chinese students of middle/high age the opportunity for students to be part of the British education system by studying at a British secondary school.

Summer (winter) School
Learning should be fun. Learning should be about curiosity, exploration, and discovery. Learning should be something practised in the classroom so that it can be truly applied in the world around us. Looked at this way, children are natural learners. So what better way to encourage this habit of learning than taking advantage of school holidays to travel abroad, study English, participate in group activities, and have an experience of another country they will never forget?

Guardianship service
As student's parents live overseas they are unable to care of student when they are out of school. Burton Education will take on this responsibility particularly during exeats and other times when the school is closed.
Burton will acting on behalf of student parents in situations where they are unable to do so due to distance or timing.
由于国际学生的父母居住在海外,他们无法在学生假期时照顾他们。 伯顿教育将放假期间和学校关闭时间承担安排和监护的责任。